2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::Caveat emptor: Forensic investigations and due diligence

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::Caveat emptor: Forensic investigations and due diligence

EDUCAUSE,               the               nonprofit               organization               whose               mission               it               is               to               advance               higher               education               by               promoting               the               use               of               Information               Technology,               recently               released               the               2007               list               of               Top               Ten               Issues               in               Higher               Education.

This               year's               list,               summarized               in               the               May/June               2007               issue               of               Educause               Review,               is               the               result               of               an               online               survey               of               IT               leaders               who               were               asked               to               select               up               to               5               of               32               issues               in               each               of               the               following               areas:
               -               Issues               critical               to               strategic               success
               -               Issues               expected               to               increase               in               significance
               -               Issues               that               have               great               demand               on               the               IT               leader's               time
               -               Issues               requiring               the               largest               expenditure               of               human               and               fiscal               resources
               Funding               IT,               the               #1               issue               identified               this               year,               is               the               only               strategic               issue               that               has               consistently               ranked               in               one               of               the               top               two               positions               since               the               inception               of               the               list               eight               years               ago.
               As               education               administrators               face               internal               and               external               pressures               to               improve               productivity               and               outcomes,               they               in               turn               pass               those               pressures               on               to               IT               departments               via               requests               for               enhanced               support               systems.

Not               only               are               the               IT               departments               responding               to               administrators'               needs,               they               are               also               responding               to               students'               needs               for               access               and               the               entire               institution's               need               for               security               and               capacity.

One               critical               area               constantly               needing               a               campus               IT               Managers'               attention               is               that               of               campus               Calendaring               and               Scheduling.
               Bob               Mahoney               and               Paul               Hill,               both               of               MIT               and               former               co-chairs               of               the               Internet               Engineering               Task               Force               Calendaring               and               Scheduling               (C&S)               Working               Group,               defined               Calendaring               and               Scheduling               for               higher               education               in               a               2001               article               for               Educause.

"In               broad               terms,               C&S               may               include               personal               calendars,               group               calendars,               event               publishing,               resource               management,               facilities               management,               and               reservation               systems."               They               also               added               that               since               it               was               very               unlikely               that               any               single               tool               would               meet               an               institution's               needs               in               all               of               those               areas,               it               was               critical               to               identify               the               specific               subset               of               services               needed               per               department.
               More               recently,               Robert               Brumfield               noted               in               eSchool               News               that               schools               and               colleges               rely               on               scheduling               and               calendaring               software               for               everything               from               making               personal               appointments               to               propagating               class               schedules.

Brumfield               quotes               Oren               Sreenby,               assistant               director               of               computing               and               communications               from               the               University               of               Washington               on               the               state               of               calendaring               and               scheduling               on               UW's               campus.

"A               lot               of               different               departments               use               different               calendaring               and               scheduling               software               to               meet               their               individual               needs...many               different               types               of               standalone               software               are               used               on               the               individual               desktop               level               as               well...You               name               it,               it's               out               there."               UW               is               now               one               of               a               handful               of               universities               that               have               now               joined               CalConnect,               The               Calendaring               and               Scheduling               Consortium,               whose               mission               it               is               to               provide               mechanisms               and               standards               to               allow               calendaring               and               scheduling               methodologies               to               interoperate.
               As               IT               continues               to               support               the               calendaring               and               scheduling               needs               of               their               institutions               or               as               departments               find               solutions               through               research               or               recommendations               from               colleagues,               consider               the               following:
               -               Will               the               new               software               acquisition               clearly               help               to               advance               the               department's,               division's               or               institutional               goals?
               -               If               considering               calendaring               and               scheduling               solutions               already               embedded               in               an               ERP               system,               what               percentage               of               the               functionality               of               the               system               will               actually               be               used               or               is               needed?

(Excess               in               this               area               was               identified               in               Item               #3               from               the               2007               Educause               Top               10               list.)
               -               Can               this               new               calendaring               and               scheduling               software               complement               existing               products               already               in               place?
               -               What               is               the               software               publishers'               ability               to               adapt               to               your               needs               and               be               responsive?

Are               they               available               for               help               during               your               critical               spring,               fall               and               late               summer               periods?
               -               Are               there               ways               to               minimize               costs               of               implementation?

Do               not               overlook               training               and               operations               as               a               consideration               in               these               costs.
               -               Could               time               and               money               be               saved               by               utilizing               an               off-the-shelf               solution?

Will               it               be               necessary               for               IT               to               do               customization               work               and               if               so,               how               much?
               -               Will               the               new               calendaring               and               scheduling               software               have               immediate               and               direct               positive               impact               for               students               and               administrators?
               -               Will               the               new               software               require               future               sustainable               funding               allocations?

Are               there               education               discounts               that               offset               costs               or               free               or               low               cost               product               updates               or               plans               that               lock               in               update               costs               for               a               fixed               time?
               -               Are               there               security               concerns               with               the               integrity               of               data?

What,               if               any               limitations               exist               for               sharing               scheduling               software               and               scheduling               information?
               -               How               will               departments               and               users               manage               level               of               access?

Will               there               be               a               way               to               approve               what               is               being               calendared               and               scheduled               by               students               if               that               capability               exists?
               -               What               kind               of               campus               IT               support               will               the               new               purchase               require?

Some               institutions               limit               staff               from               even               downloading               any               new               software               without               the               approval               and               support               from               IT.
               Regardless               of               the               division               or               department,               from               Student               Affairs               to               Academic               Affairs,               calendaring               and               scheduling               remains               a               key               IT               issue               for               higher               education.

Doing               the               required               due               diligence               and               research               is               critical               to               bringing               the               right               tools               into               the               system.

After               all,               working               with               three               or               four               calendars               at               a               time               is               one               sure               way               to               kill               productivity               and               who               has               time               for               that!

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