2013년 10월 26일 토요일

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::...it was thought to be 'them or us', and the only solution, their virtual extermination. That example gave the English the best part of four decades...

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::...it was thought to be 'them or us', and the only solution, their virtual extermination. That example gave the English the best part of four decades...

Being               a               military               wife               comes               with               many               challenges               that               some               of               our               civilian               counterparts               don't               have               to               worry               about.

One               of               those               challenges               includes               being               able               to               supplement               income               or               sustain               a               career               while               not               only               having               to               pick               up               and               move               every               three               years               (or               less),               but               also               the               added               challenge               of               our               spouses               being               deployed               for               six               or               more               months.

Balancing               work,               children               and               military               life               can               all               too               often               be               a               very               difficult               set               of               clubs               to               juggle.

Today,               we               will               take               a               look               at               one               of               the               many               ways               modern               technology               has               made               this               a               little               easier               for               the               21st               century               military               spouse:               Telecommuting.

So,               what               exactly               is               telecommuting?

Well,               it               is               working               but               instead               of               driving               the               highway               to               work,               you're               taking               the               information               super               highway               (pardon               the               unfortunate               joke).

You               work               from               the               comfort               of               your               home               and               your               office               usually               consists               of               your               computer               (and               any               other               miscellaneous               equipment               required).

We're               going               to               examine               a               few               of               these               possibilities.
               Call               Center:               In               an               effort               to               avoid               outsourcing,               many               call               centers               are               turning               to               telecommuters               as               an               attempt               to               cut               overhead               costs.

These               jobs               range               from               technical               support,               travel               agent,               customer               service,               even               debt               collecting.

These               jobs               usually               have               a               set               schedule               of               hours               in               which               you               will               have               to               work               and               usually               strange               hours               (at               least               to               begin).

These               can               be               highly               stressful               jobs               (having               worked               in               a               call               center               myself               and               a               very               dear               friend               of               mine               currently               working               in               one),               but               the               advantages               are               that               you               can               take               this               job               anywhere,               you               often               can               receive               benefits               from               employers               (which               you               could               use               to               supplement               your               Tricare               benefits),               usually               these               employers               require               little               to               no               experience/credentials               and               allows               you               a               manner               to               still               interact               with               people.
               Administrative:               Like               call               centers,               these               jobs               generally               have               set               hours               that               require               you               to               work.

The               administrative               telecommuting               jobs               out               there               include:               administrative               assistants,               financial               (including               accounting               and               billing),               data               entry               and               human               resources.

These               sometimes               require               credentials               and/or               experience.

However,               many               programs               covered               by               MyCAA               will               help               you               obtain               any               of               these               you               may               need.
               Teaching:               The               wave               of               virtual               schools               is               riding               high               at               the               moment.

You               can               go               online               and               find               schools               geared               specifically               for               homeschooling               as               well               as               a               plethora               of               technical,               undergraduate               and               graduate               schools               out               there.

Also,               you               can               be               a               virtual               tutor               which               will               give               you               a               little               bit               more               flexibility               with               your               hours               but               still               earn               a               decent               paycheck.

You               need               to               have               whatever               credentials               and               experience               needed               for               these               positions.

Generally,               many               of               these               schools               will               allow               you               to               set               your               own               hours               (for               the               most               part)               and               the               pay               is               pretty               good.

Check               out               American               Military               University               for               an               example               of               one               of               these               online               schools.
               Freelancing:               Freelancing               is               not               nearly               as               easy               as               it               sounds               and               it               takes               time.

For               instance,               outside               of               being               Super               Mom               and               the               editor-in-chief               here               at               A               Frugal               Military               Family,               I               am               also               a               professional               freelance               writer.

In               order               to               freelance,               you               have               to               also               be               a               good               salesperson,               as               you               are               selling               your               abilities               as               a               product.

Networking               and               portfolio               padding               are               key.

Don't               expect               a               large               payout               at               first               and               gladly               take               volunteer               jobs               on               the               side               to               help               pad               your               portfolio               that               much               more               and               show               diversity.

I               highly               recommend               thoroughly               investigating               the               jobs               and               companies               before               accepting               them.

For               instance,               on               the               surface,               being               a               greeting               card               writer               seems               like               a               sweet               gig...

just               knock               out               a               couple               of               cheesy               poems               and               get               a               good               optioning               check.

However,               many               of               these               companies               need               to               test               market               your               poem               before               publishing               it               and               this               could               take               up               to               a               few               years               (yes,               you               read               that               right)               to               complete.

Good               sources               to               find               freelance               gigs               include:               Craig's               List,               your               local               newspapers               and               magazines,               Freelancer               and               any               other               free               ad               site.
               Start               Your               Own               Online               Business!:               Megan               Glynn,               co-founder               of               Zoolu!,               is               a               prime               example               of               how               you               can               be               successful               at               this.

Find               your               niche               and               if               you               have               a               natural               knack               for               business,               this               is               definitely               a               great               way               to               earn               money,               have               a               flexible               schedule               and               still               be               able               to               take               your               job               from               duty               station               to               duty               station               with               you.

Some               ideas               for               these               include:               blog               design,               retail,               virtual               scrapbooking,               publishing               ebooks               (check               out               Amazon.com's               program               for               self               publication),               offer               some               other               service               or               need,               etc.

Entrepreneurship               is               a               very               rewarding               experience.

But,               again,               you               have               to               understand               business,               your               clients               and               may               be               very               time               consuming               at               first.
               Microtasking:               Many               sites,               like               Mechanial               Turk               offer               a               forum               where               you               are               hired               to               complete               quick               and               easy               tasks               for               someone               in               return               for               pay.

These               can               be               anything               from               categorizing               test               scores               to               organizing               someone's               virtual               photo               album               to               being               part               of               a               research               study.

However,               these               tasks               do               not               pay               well               for               each               job               completed               (usually               no               more               that               five               cents               per               completed               task),               time               consuming               and               can               be               very               mindless.

I               highly               recommend               it               for               pocket               change,               but               not               as               a               source               of               income.

Some               other               sites               for               this               include:ODesk               and               Cloud               Crowd.
               Sales               Representative:               I               know               many               people               who               have               earned               a               good               amount               of               money               doing               this.

What               I               mean               is               that               you're               the               sales               representative               for               companies               such               as               Tupperware,               Pampered               Chef               and               Mary               Kay.

You               can               have               fun               parties               with               your               friends,               give               them               a               way               to               buy               products               they               need/want               and               still               earn               a               little               bit               of               money.

Also,               I               have               heard               that               there               are               great               freebies               and               samples               given               to               you               by               the               company.

However,               some               of               these               companies               require               start               up               costs               (e.g.

Tupperware               makes               you               purchase               the               demonstration               pack)so               be               on               the               look               out               for               that.

Some               other               companies               you               might               be               interested               in               include:               Scentsy,               Children's               Art               Cafe,               Thirty               One               Gifts               and               Military               Handbag               (in               which               10%               of               all               proceeds               go               towards               supporting               our               troops               and               families!).
               There               are               many               creative               ideas               out               there               and               the               internet               has               given               you               a               forum               to               spin               them               into               a               way               to               create               a               little               bit               of               extra               income               but               still               be               able               to               stay               home.
               I               recommend               staying               away               from               sites               that               offer               to               pay               you               money               to               take               surveys,               mystery               shop               and               anything               that               sounds               too               good               to               be               true.

Chances               are,               it               probably               is.

Many               of               these               all               too               often               turn               out               to               be               scams               and/or               will               litter               your               inbox               with               spam               while               you               see               little               to               no               return.

I               also               caution               not               to               join               anything               not               Better               Business               Bureau               recommended               or               requires               you               to               pay               any               out               of               pocket               fees               (exception               being               that               which               is               listed               above).
               Other               than               Craig's               List,               your               local               ads               and               Google,               I               would               also               recommend               scouring               legitimately               recognized               job               posting               pages               such               as               Monster.com,               Career               Builder               and               Yahoo!

HotJobs               for               "telecommuting"               or               "virtual"               listings.
               Good               luck               to               you               and               happy               job               hunting!!

Image of virtual data room costs

virtual data room costs
virtual data room costs

virtual data room costs Image 1

virtual data room costs
virtual data room costs

virtual data room costs Image 2

virtual data room costs
virtual data room costs

virtual data room costs Image 3

virtual data room costs
virtual data room costs

virtual data room costs Image 4

virtual data room costs
virtual data room costs

virtual data room costs Image 5

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