2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::...his department had made about Bangalore's electronic goverment initiatives... I read the tagline..., but there's too much valuable data to do that. Most records here ...

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::...his department had made about Bangalore's electronic goverment initiatives... I read the tagline..., but there's too much valuable data to do that. Most records here ...

               Electronic               Cigarettes               Promise               Acceptable               Tobacco               Usage
               Electronic               cigarettes               entered               the               lucrative,               but               ill-famed               US               tobacco               market               as               the               much-awaited               solution               to               a               safer               alternative               to               smoking               addiction.

Their               unusual               and               non-traditional               cigarette-look               notwithstanding,               they               have               arrived               surrounded               with               an               excited               buzz               about               health-friendlier               vapours,               total               elimination               of               second-hand               effects               and               the               promise               of               making               tobacco               usage               non-intrusive               and               socially               acceptable.

The               potential               benefits               of               the               new               products               seemed               to               be               overwhelming.

In               online               marketing               campaigns,               chat               rooms               and               soon               enough               in               elegantly               designed               booths               in               malls               around               America,               the               were               featured               as               safer,               sleeker,               more               exciting               and               high-tech,               potentially               cheaper               than               tobacco               cigarettes.

The               multiple               different               messages               along               with               the               proliferation               of               various               models               whose               design               emphasized               different               aspects               of               the               product               created               some               confusion               and               raised               uncomfortable               questions               about               whether               e-cigarettes               are               really               a               great               tobacco               substitute,               a               geeky               gadget               or               a               dangerous               fraud.
               How               Do               Electronic               Cigarettes               Work?
               Electronic               cigarettes               are               admittedly               somewhat               cumbersome               to               use.

They               are               composed               of               multiple               parts,               an               odd               concept               for               cigarettes.

The               components               -               two               or               three               depending               on               the               design               of               the               brand               -               need               maintenance.

The               battery,               which               makes               the               cigarette               'run',               is               the               bulkiest               component               and               needs               frequent               charging.

The               cartridge               includes               the               liquid               that               users               inhale               after               it               is               vaporized               by               the               atomizer.

The               cartridge               needs               to               be               periodically               replaced               or               refilled               as               it               runs               out               of               its               liquid               contents.

Together,               these               odd               components               produce               the               smoking               experience               which               in               many               ways               is               more               akin               to               the               use               of               inhalers               than               to               the               traditional               tobacco               smoking               experience.

Users               still               puff               on               the               e-cigarette               just               like               on               the               original               one.

They               can               still               get               their               nicotine               fix.

However,               without               smoke,               stink,               tar               and               obnoxiously               toxic               gases,               they               inhale               gentler,               cleaner,               potentially               flavoured               vapour.

They               do               not               really               smoke               any               more,               but               'vape'.

Surprisingly,               the               'vaping'               experience               is               satisfying               to               many               traditional               cigarette               smokers.

Do               they               dare               hope               that               it               is               healthier,               too?
               The               'Health'               Promise
               If               vaping               electronic               cigarettes               were               indeed               healthier               or               less               harmful,               that               would               certainly               make               a               compelling               case               for               their               adoption               despite               their               non-conventional               construction.

After               all,               millions               of               smokers               light               up               their               ordinary               tobacco               cigarettes               every               day,               fully               aware               that               each               puff               may               put               them               a               few               days               closer               to               their               painful               death               from               lung               cancer               or               another               related               ailment               In               addition               to               having               been               shocked               by               hundreds               of               graphic               images               of               the               devastating               impact               of               tobacco               smoking,               the               majority               of               smokers               feel               profoundly               guilty               and               embarrassed               about               an               addiction               that               has               been               shown               to               harm               others.

Smoking               has               increasingly               become               a               socially               unacceptable               habit.

However,               the               addiction               is               too               powerful               for               many.

The               promise               of               an               alternative               satisfying               the               cravings               of               the               addition               without               damaging               their               and               their               environment's               well-being               is               very               appealing.
               No               Data               to               Support               Health               Claim
               Actually,               e-cigarettes               may               be               healthier,               or               at               least               less               harmful               than               tobacco               cigarettes.

However,               nobody               can               tell               just               yet               with               authority               and               evidence.

The               lack               of               smoke,               the               lack               of               gases,               and               the               elimination               of               the               up               to               4,000               supplemental               chemicals               rolled               into               tobacco               cigarettes               seem               helpful.

Nevertheless,               there               are               no               test               results.

No               significant               controlled               experiments               have               been               run               and               there               is               no               scientifically               credible               data               available               to               prove               the               hypothesis.

In               the               US,               the               FDA               sought               to               establish               electronic               cigarettes,               once               marketed               as               nicotine               replacement               products,               as               drugs               in               a               quest               to               test               their               overall               impact.

A               court               decision               denying               them               oversight               over               e-cigarettes               deprived               them               of               this               opportunity.

With               the               decision               and               surrounding               debate,               it               became               clear,               though,               that               e-cigarettes               are               not               suitable               for               nicotine               replacement               therapies.
               Experts               Question               E-Cigarette               Ingredients
               In               the               absence               of               documented               test               results               to               prove               e-cigarettes'               safety               ,               some               experts               also               point               to               the               propylene               glycol,               one               of               the               main               components               of               the               e-liquid               that               may               be               potentially               harmful.

Others               are               concerned               about               the               uncertainty               around               the               actual               ingredients               of               the               liquid               and               raise               alarms               over               the               fact               that               the               unregulated               e-cigarettes               are               still               mainly               manufactured               in               China               where               they               were               invented               in               2003.

No               protocols               and               standards               exist               as               of               yet               to               ensure               the               safety               of               the               product.

No               requirements               have               been               specified               to               enforce               minimum               quality               standards.

Finally,               the               continued               presence               of               nicotine               '"               which               is               an               optional               ingredient,               but               is               preferred               by               most               users               '"               also               questions               the               extent               of               harm               reduction.

Nicotine               is               a               proven               carcinogenic.

Its               consumption               in               any               quantity               is               a               significant               health               hazard.

Moreover,               it               is               highly               addicting,               with               some               studies               comparing               it               to               heroin               in               this               regard.

Electronic               cigarettes               contain               nicotine               in               unverified               and               untested               amounts.

There               were               alarming,               unconfirmed               stories               about               supposedly               nicotine-free               e-cigarettes               that               actually               contained               the               substance
               A               Threat               or               a               Saviour
               Many               health               organizations               such               as               the               American               Heart               Association               perceive               electronic               cigarettes               as               a               major               threat.

The               product               threatens               to               undermine               the               results               of               decades               of               anti-nicotine               campaigns               by               deluding               smokers               with               the               promise               of               no-harm               nicotine               consumption.

Other               advocacy               groups               feel               uncomfortable               with               the               new               cigarettes'               conspicuous               flavours               '"               cherry,               chocolate               '"               and               their               heavily               promoted               'coolness'               factor.

Their               main               concern               is               the               potential               impact               on               children.

Some               professional               groups,               including               the               American               Association               of               Public               Health               Physician               support               e-cigarettes,               as               they               believe               that               their               proliferation               will               significantly               reduce               the               damages               caused               by               second-hand               smoking.

Many               share               this               hope.

Families               of               smokers               are               also               willing               to               give               the               new               cigarettes               the               benefit               of               doubt.

As               a               minimum,               they               are               willing               to               accept               e-cigarettes               as               the               lesser               of               two               evils.

Secretly               they               hope               that               soon               these               new               high-tech               sticks               will               be               given               a               bill               of               acceptance,               at               least.
               The               Race               to               Build               the               Market               and               Improved               Products
               While               the               health               debate               rages               on               and               is               expected               to               continue               for               years               to               come,               more               and               more               smokers               embrace               electronic               cigarettes               worldwide.

As               consumers               start               experimenting               with               the               product,               manufacturers               and               markets               are               racing               to               expand               the               market.

They               have               tremendous               opportunities               ahead               of               them,               but               many               challenges               remain,               irrespective               of               the               health               debate.

The               product               has               come               a               long               way               since               its               initial               design               in               2003               by               a               Chinese               pharmacist.

It               has               gotten               smaller,               more               'real'               cigarette-like.

It               now               comes               with               stronger,               longer-lasting               batteries.

The               atomizer's               performance               has               been               improved               providing               for               a               more               satisfying               puffing               experience.

Still,               there               are               numerous               legitimate               complaints               about               reliability,               usability               and               quality.

Batteries               tend               to               fail               before               their               due               date.

Some               models               have               leaking               cartridges.

In               many               models               the               vapour               remains               weak               leading               to               the               inefficient               use               of               expensive               battery               life.
               Quest               for               Longer               Battery               Life,               Longer               Cartridge               Life,               Better               Vapour
               Some               manufacturers               focus               see               the               key               to               improved               quality               in               better               batteries               as               the               need               for               frequent               recharges               and               battery               failures               are               considered               major               product               flaws               by               many               users.

One               of               the               leading               brands,               Green               Smoke               is               on               the               cutting               edge               of               continuously               improving               their               battery               design               to               keep               batteries               running               for               up               to               35               hours               on               a               single               re-charge.

Green               Smoke               and               SmokeTip               are               also               working               on               superior               atomizer               designs               as               the               ultimate               user               experience               is               eventually               defined               by               the               atomizer's               ability               to               create               rich               and               strong               vapours.

Vaping               capability               has               been               the               one               area               of               the               product               in               general               that               has               evolved               the               most               to               the               bigger               satisfaction               of               consumers.

With               more               efficient               vaping               comes               the               need               to               more               powerful               e-liquid               cartridges.

The               Safe               Cig               brand               focuses               on               longer               lasting,               safe               cartridges               to               eliminate               the               need               for               frequent               '"               and               pricey               '"               refills.

Cartridge               safety               requires               leakage               protection,               as               well,               which               was               a               challenge               for               many               of               the               early               e-cigarette               models.
               The               Appeal               of               Hip               Designs               and               the               Allure               of               Flavours
               Other               brands               choose               to               compete               on               unique               and               exciting               designs               such               as               CigartiTM's               funky,               fully               personalized               capsules               or               SomeStik's               exclusive,               luxury               designer               models.

Cirrus3               lightweight               realistic               cigarettes               appeals               to               the               traditionalists.

VaporNinne's               Nebula               challenges               the               industry               by               not               pretending               to               be               a               cigarette               at               all               and               playing               on               users'               enthusiasm               for               sleekly               designed               electronic               gadgets.

Relative               to               traditional               tobacco               products,               e-cigarettes               allow               for               the               delivery               of               richer               flavours               through               the               manipulation               of               the               e-liquid.

Marketers               are               ready               to               exploit               this               advantage.

They               experiment               with               flavours               such               as               cherry,               vanilla               and               chocolate.

While               the               addition               of               flavours               appeals               to               certain               segments               such               as               young               or               female               users,               it               may               also               undermine               the               product's               'tobacco'               image.

Some               competitors,               like               Premium               Electronic               Cigarettes,               focus               on               leveraging               the               flavour               delivery               capability               to               re-create               the               most               authentic               tobacco               taste.
               Costs               Are               a               Selling               Point,               As               Well
               Undeniably,               the               'start-up'               costs               of               e-cigarettes               are               higher               than               of               tobacco               cigarettes               due               to               the               necessary               initial               investment               in               a               starter               pack               that               can               range               from               just               under               $30               to               $90.

However,               in               the               long               run               e-cigarettes               are               cheaper               as               their               cartridges               are               more               cost-efficient.

Blu               Cig's               refill               cartridges               are               priced               at               $25               dollars               and               provide               the               equivalent               of               almost               two               cartoons               of               old-fashioned               cigarettes.

While               the               on-going               costs               of               cartridge               refills               are               indeed               lower               for               most               e-cigarettes               brands               when               compared               to               the               price               of               traditional               cigarettes,               the               cost               benefit               cannot               be               clearly               established               as               many               users               are               forced               to               purchase               new               replacement               parts               for               their               e-cigarettes.

This               means               that               consumers               keep               incurring               the               original               'start-up'               costs               multiple               times               which               makes               the               vaping               potentially               a               lot               more               expensive               than               traditional               smoking.

As               manufacturers               continue               to               improve               the               reliability               of               the               technology               and               push               the               capacity               of               the               devices,               consumers               expect               to               spend               less               on               components               and               to               finalize               realize               the               promised               e-cigarette               cost               advantage.
               Do               Electronic               Cigarettes               Work               As               a               Product?
               It               is               simply               too               early               to               tell               whether               any               of               the               current               marketers               or               even               the               product               itself               will               have               the               staying               power               and               a               new               mass               product               with               clearly               recognizable               brands               will               emerge.

The               lingering               doubts               around               the               true               health               impact               limit               producers'               ability               to               make               a               breakthrough               in               the               market.

The               still               immature               technology               and               cumbersome               re-charge               and               re-fill               requirements               frustrate               users               and               slow               adoption.

Yet,               there               is               a               growing               fan               base               with               converts               rushing               to               sites               such               as               E-Cigarettes               Forum               to               exchange               tips               and               sing               praises               of               the               new,               cleaner               vaping               experience               that               is               tar-               and               smoke-free               and               leaves               no               bad               breath               or               stains               on               teeth.

As               e-cigarettes               continue               to               evolve               and               address               legitimate               and               existing               usability               problems,               the               number               of               adopters               is               almost               certain               to               grow.

Until               someone               comes               out               with               a               new               Smartphone               app               that               perfectly               mimics               the               condemned               smoking               experience               with               no               harmful               side               effects               at               all,               e-cigarettes               will               remain               the               safer               and               better               alternative               to               life-threatening               and               socially               stigmatized               tobacco               cigarettes.

Image of electronic data rooms

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electronic data rooms

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electronic data rooms Image 2

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electronic data rooms

electronic data rooms Image 3

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electronic data rooms

electronic data rooms Image 4

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electronic data rooms

electronic data rooms Image 5

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