2013년 10월 27일 일요일

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::Tag-Team of HP Workshops Provides Essential Path to IT Maturity Assessment and a Data Center Transformation Journey

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::Tag-Team of HP Workshops Provides Essential Path to IT Maturity Assessment and a Data Center Transformation Journey

Right               now               the               economy               is               so               bad               that               what               some               job               applicants               need               to               do,               in               addition               to               all               the               other               things               they               are               already               doing               (filling               out               job               applications               online               and               in               person,               submitting               their               résumés               to               job-help-finding               Internet               sites,               networking,               etc.),               is               to               seriously               consider               ways               by               which               to               actually               create               their               own               jobs.

It               may               sound               drastic,               but               considering               how               intense               the               competition               for               jobs               is,               it               may               be               what               some               people               need               to               do,               if               they               wish               to               greatly               improve               their               chances               of               "finding"               that               all-illusive               job.

Entrepreneurship               has               always               been               a               legitimate               option               for               people               who               want               to               be               extra-aggressive               in               the               business               world-it               happens               to               be               one               option               that               is               always               open               to               everyone,               no               matter               how               bad               the               economy               gets.

Here               is               a               short               list               of               suggestions               that               you               should               consider:               1.

Start               a               home               business.

Because               of               its,               comparatively               speaking,               lower               overhead               costs,               a               home               business               can               be               a               very               legitimate,               promising               opportunity.

The               trick               is               to               find               something               for               which               there               is               a               demand,               keeping               in               mind               that               the               business               world               is               somewhat               different               than               when               the               economy               is               in               good               shape.

What               need               is               there               in               your               community               which               you               can               fulfill               at               a               price               that               people               are               able               to               afford               and               which               they               are               willing               to               pay?

Can               you               fulfill               that               need               in               an               efficient               and               profitable               manner?

Some               possible               business               ideas               include               running               errands               for               people,               answering               emails               and               phone               calls               for               local               businesses               and               professionals               interested               in               outsourcing               their               work,               pet               sitting,               house               sitting,               handyperson               services,               etc.

In               deciding               on               a               business,               choose               something               which               comfortably               falls               under               your               skills               set,               area               of               expertise               and               education;               also,               select               something               that               requires               a               small               investment,               thus               allowing               you               enough               breathing               space               to               use               what               funds               you               have               more               flexibly.

At               first,               business               may               be               slow,               but,               as               you               develop               a               good               reputation               and               get               a               better               feel               for               what               is               needed,               paying               special               attention               to               how               to               best               deal               with               whatever               competition               that               may               exist               (for               there               is               always               some               competition),               things               should               get               better               with               passing               time.

Start               your               own               nonprofit.

Is               there               a               special               need               in               your               community               that               you               would               like               to               address,               preferably               something               that               is               either               not               being               properly               addressed               or               which               you               think               that               you               can               address               in               a               better               or               more               efficient               way               than               others?

A               nonprofit               requires               more               research,               more               paperwork,               and               more               bureaucratic               circumstances               to               address,               but               it               can               also               be               a               legitimate               way               to               create               your               own               job.

As               the               founder,               you               will               probably               be               the               first               Executive               Director,               though               you               can               also               be               on               the               Board               of               Directors-speaking               of               Board               of               Directors,               you               will               have               to               find               a               group               of               well-established               professionals               that               can               help               you,               at               first,               to               set               up               and               run               the               organization,               until               you               get               a               paid               or               a               volunteer               staff.

Fortunately,               there               is               always               money               in               the               form               of               grants               from               private               foundations               and               federal               agencies,               but               keep               in               mind               that               these               funds               are               very               competitively               given               out.

Through               grants               and               other               fundraising               options               (including               asking               for               donations               from               individuals               and               organizations),               you               can               get               the               money               that               you               need               to               do               significant               good               in               your               community,               while               at               the               same               time               creating               at               least               one               job.

Three               excellent               additional               info               sources               for               both               business               and               social               capital               entrepreneurs               are               the               Internal               Revenue               Service,               the               Small               Business               Administration,               and               SCORE,               a               nonprofit               organization               which               provides               retired               professionals               as               volunteer               technical               advisors.

Teach               a               course.

Is               there               a               subject               or               a               topic               about               which               you               are               very               knowledgeable?

Well,               you               may               be               able               to               teach               a               class               on               that               subject               at               your               home               or               at               a               local               facility               in               your               community,               such               as               at               a               community               college,               public               library,               a               community               center,               or               a               nonprofit               facility.

In               exchange               for               this               expertise,               students               who               sign               up               for               your               course               can               pay               a               tuition               fee.

The               course               you               put               together               can               be               very               short               (maybe               a               3               day               event)               or               it               can               last               over               several               weeks               or               even               months.

What               tuition               price               you               charge               should,               of               course,               reflect               the               length               of               the               course               and               how               much               instruction               and               assignment               work               you               will               have               to               do.

The               good               news               is               that               this               option               is               open               to               just               about               everyone.

Your               best               advertisement               will               probably               be               word               of               mouth,               which               is               why               maybe               you               can               give               discounted               or               free               class               placements;               as               people               tell               others               about               the               course,               you               can               slowly               develop               a               steady               flow               of               students               or               clients.

An               alternative               option               to               a               classroom               at               an               actual               facility               is               a               virtual               class.

Through               Nicenet,               a               nonprofit               organization,               for               example,               you               can               teach               an               online               course               while               keeping               your               costs               very               low;               nicenet.org               provides               virtual               classroom               facilities               for               free-as               for               teaching               materials,               they               can               generally               be               found               at               different               government               and               college               websites,               at               least               in               electronic               format.

You               can               assign               these               instead               of               textbooks               in               order               to               keep               the               costs               of               the               class               low.

Make               presentations;               be               a               professional               speaker.

You               can               begin               by               putting               together               a               presentation               on               something               that               you               are               very               knowledgeable               about               or               in               which               you               have               great               interest.

"How               to               prepare               your               teenagers               for               college               and               how               to               find               the               money               that               they               will               need               for               tuition               and               expenses"               may               be               one               such               presentation.

Simply               research               the               topic               to               death,               then               present               your               findings               to               eager               parents               and               young               people.

If               your               presentation               is               unique               enough               and               highly               informative,               you               can               find               people               who               will               pay               to               listen               to               your               message,               and               for               resources               to               use               check               out               the               National               Speakers               Association's               and               the               Professional               Speakers               Guild's               websites.

In               trying               to               find               what               would               be               a               suitable               topic,               simply               check               out               social               and               news               events               websites,               or               keep               open               eyes               for               what               is               popular               or               needed               in               your               local               community.

Sometimes,               you               can               even               find               organizations               and               individuals               who               are               willing               to               pay               you               to               deliver               a               presentation               for               them,               be               their               spokesperson               or               deliver               speeches               at               special               events.

Become               a               used               stuff               entrepreneur.

A               bad               economy               is               a               good               time               to               consider               this               idea.

Preferably,               choose               a               specific               line               or               area               to               concentrate               on,               but,               if               you               want               to               be               more               flexible,               just               leave               the               matter               open.

The               idea               is               to               go               shopping               for               things               that               look               re-saleable;               then               you               can               find               the               best               means               by               which               to               sell               those               items               at               a               price               higher               than               what               you               paid.

You               can               sell               your               wares               through               a               number               of               means,               including               yard/garage               sales,               estate               sales,               on               consignment               (through               local               shops),               through               E-bay,               via               classifieds               (which               can               sometimes               be               placed               for               free               in               online               and               printed               publications               and               websites),               and               through               your               own               "shop,"               which               may               turn               out               to               be               your               own               garage               or               basement,               a               stand               you               rent               every               weekend               at               a               local               flea               market,               or               a               small               room               you               rent               from               a               local               nonprofit,               church,               civic               organization,               or               small               business.

Start               a               club.

People               love               to               join               clubs.

You               can               cash               into               that               craze               by               finding               an               area               or               subject               with               a               big               following               or               for               which               there               is               a               big               interest.

Clubs               can               become               money               makers               by               allowing               the               founder               to               charge               members               a               fee               for               joining,               by               putting               out               a               club               publication               which               can               accept               paid               ads,               by               providing               certain               services               and               products               at               special               discounts               only               to               members,               and               by               sponsoring               special               events               and               function               for               which,               again,               people               pay               a               fee               (greatly               discounted               for               members,               but               at               a               bigger               price               for               nonmembers).

The               beauty               of               this               idea               is               that               there               is               no               limit               of               possible               topics               or               interests               to               be               the               focus               of               your               club.

Maybe               start               a               book               reading               club,               a               metal               detector               users'               club,               a               horse               riding               club,               a               golf               playing               club               for               kids,               etc.

For               a               run-down               on               the               basics               of               how               to               put               together               and               run               a               club,               check               out               the               applicable-to-any               club               information               provided               on               the               national               Boys               and               Girls               Club's               website.

Publish               a               newsletter               or               an               ezine.

Simply               find               a               subject               about               which               there               is               much               interest               on               the               part               of               the               potential               subscribers               you               will               go               after.

In               these               tough               economic               times,               a               newsletter               on               proactive               job               finding               techniques               or               maybe               one               on               how               to               start               and               run               a               home               business               might               be               very               popular.

Another               possibility               is               to               start               an               online               magazine               or               "ezine."               What               is               great               about               this               option               is               that               such               a               publication               can               be               started               for               a               very               small               investment.

As               for               how               to               host               it,               you               might               consider               website               hosting               services,               whose               fees               are               today               much               lower               than               they               have               ever               been.

Some               website               hosting               sites,               for               example,               for               about               $10               a               month               or               less,               provide               unlimited               data               management               options               and,               as               it               turns               out,               the               tools               and               hosting               options               available               to               create               a               website               can               also               be               used               to               create               and               manage               an               ezine.

Instead               of               website               pages,               for               example,               you               post               magazine               pages,               remembering               that               there               are               usually               no               limits               on               the               number               of               pages               you               can               provide               per               "issue."               As               for               the               pages,               you               can               use               artwork               and               photos,               and               there               is               even               software               that               allows               the               creation               of               page-turning,               Flash-software-quality               tools.

That               makes               the               ezine               more               like               a               natural-looking               actual               magazine.

A               wealth               of               resources               for               producing               newsletters               and               ezines               can               easily               be               found               just               by               looking               up               the               topic               on               Google.

Become               a               freelance               writer.

Without               doubt,               this               is               one               of               the               very               few               professions               which               just               about               anyone               can               delve               into,               for               anyone               interested               and               ready.

For               one               thing,               many               people               have               innate               talent               for               writing;               for               those               who               do               not,               they               can,               with               practice,               still               make               it               as               a               writer.

For               those               with               the               imagination,               the               energy,               the               talent,               and               the               go-getter               spirit,               writing               can               be               a               very               rewarding               career.

Perhaps               part               of               the               reason               why               it               is               so               open               an               opportunity               is               the               fact               that               writers               can               concentrate               on               a               number               of               totally               different               areas.

For               example,               there               are               journalists,               technical               writers,               travel               writers,               feature               article               writers,               non-fiction               book               writers,               ghost               writers,               corporate               communication               writers,               and               copywriters;               as               for               those               who               lean               more               toward               the               creative               side,               there               are               short               story               writers,               poets,               playwrights,               and               essayists-and               this               is               only               a               partial               list.

If               interested,               do               spend               some               time               deciding               what               type               of               writing               you               want               to               try               out               or               concentrate               on,               then,               as               quickly               as               you               can,               try               to               get               the               training               or               instruction               that               you               will               need               to               make               this               idea               work.

To               accomplish               this,               consider               taking               some               writing               classes,               talking               to               professional               writers,               reading               as               much               as               you               can               (to               keep               your               mind               fully               exercised               and               to               get               ideas)               and               checking               out               resources               on               the               Internet.

Above               all,               set               aside               some               time               for               writing-something               which               can               best               begin               by               allocating               a               quiet,               well-stocked               (with               an               academic-quality               dictionary,               a               thesaurus               and               a               few               other               reference               books)               place               of               your               own               which               you               will               use               as               your               base               of               operations.

Be               a               consultant.

Almost               every               organization               makes               use               of               consultants               at               one               point               or               another.

You               can               fit               into               that               need,               especially               if               you               have               a               high               level               of               training               or               education               in               one               particular               field               or               endeavour.

Consultants,               as               a               matter               of               fact,               are               usually               more               in               demand               during               bad               economic               times               since               it               is               often               cheaper               for               companies,               private               organizations               and               government               agencies               to               hire               someone               on               an               as-needed               basis               than               it               is               for               them               to               give               such               people               full               or               part-time               jobs.

That               is               why,               though,               consultants               can               sometimes               go               without               work               for               a               while.

As               you               develop               a               reputation               and               leave               behind               satisfied               clients,               you               will               find               that               people               will               recommend               you               to               others,               which               will               increase               your               workload.

Try               your               luck               as               a               professional               treasure               hunter.

Professional               treasure               hunters               today               are               somewhat               different               than               treasure               hunters               of               former               times.

For               one               thing,               it               used               to               be               that               this               profession               was               almost               exclusively               composed               of               people               with               big               financial               backing,               in               general,               who               went               out               to               look               for               buried               treasure               all               over               the               world-more               specifically,               under               bodies               of               water               (looking               for               sunken               ships),               in               deep               caves,               in               abandoned               mines,               and               in               far-away,               remote               parts               of               the               world.

Well,               that               is               no               longer               the               case.

Many               modern               day               treasure               hunters               stay               near               their               own               homes,               though               they               may               occasionally               travel,               but               not               necessarily               to               remote               corners               of               the               earth.

In               some               areas               of               Florida,               for               example,               which               were               buried               under               the               sea               not               too               long               ago,               historically               speaking,               one               can               find               prehistoric               shark               teeth               which               are               highly               sought               after               by               museums               and               collectors;               at               other               sites,               one               can               find               etched               into               stones               and               rocks               prehistoric               fossils               that               are               also               highly               sought               after.

Both               of               these               items               are               things               modern               treasure               hunters               look               for               and               often               find.

Other               possibilities               include,               though,               valuable               stones               and               gems,               buried               bones               from               long               ago,               and               valuable               metals               of               all               kinds.

The               latter               is               so               prevalent,               in               fact,               that               there               is               a               large               segment               of               treasure               hunters               who               stick               just               to               this               treasure               hunting               activity;               the               tool               of               choice               for               them               is               a               metal               detector,               which,               by               the               way,               come               in               models               to               suit               every               known               budget.

For               those               interested               in               doing               some               local               traveling,               there               are               mines               in               this               country               where               one               can               go               to               dig               for               valuable               minerals,               usually               for               nominal               fees.

All               in               all,               this               is               yet               another               "job"               opportunity               for               those               with               the               energy,               commitment,               and               dedication               that               is               generally               required.

For               those               interested               in               this               profession,               there               is               tons               of               valuable               information               on               the               Internet.

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how to start a virtual data room business

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how to start a virtual data room business

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how to start a virtual data room business

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how to start a virtual data room business

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