2013년 10월 28일 월요일

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::Your next patient is in the virtual waiting room . . .

Rodrick Gorden's blog ::Your next patient is in the virtual waiting room . . .

What               a               dream               it               would               be               to               make               a               living               playing               cards!

A               lot               of               people               have               tried               to               make               their               living               solely               off               online               poker,               and               most               of               them               fail               miserably.

I               have               been               playing               online               poker               as               a               hobby               since               2004,               and               while               I               would               love               to               play               full               time,               I               know               that               in               my               situation,               it               is               not               possible.

Am               I               not               good               enough               to               play               professionally?

Well,               I               am               better               than               90               percent               of               the               people               that               play               online,               so               there's               a               good               chance               that               I               am               good               enough.

How               do               I               know               I'm               better               than               all               these               people?

Because               there               are               sites               that               track               your               results,               and               compare               them               against               all               other               players               playing               on               the               same               card               room               network.

So               if               I               am               a               decent               player,               why               can't               I               grind               my               way               up               the               ranks               and               become               a               self               proclaimed               online               card               shark?

Because               it               takes               an               incredible               amount               of               time,               money,               and               energy               to               be               able               to               sustain               a               successful               online               poker               career.

Assuming               that               you               are               a               profitable               player,               and               you               have               already               researched               being               self               employed,               here               are               a               few               points               for               you               to               consider               as               you               explore               becoming               a               digital               card               shark.

Grinding               Out               a               Living               On               the               Digital               Felt
               The               main               source               of               you               income               when               you               first               start               your               venture,               is               going               to               come               from               your               winnings.Your               main               concern               when               starting               out,               will               be               the               dollar               amount               of               your               initial               bankroll.

This               is               going               to               be               the               money               kept               separate               from               everything               else               and               used               only               for               poker.

If               you               do               not               use               proper               bankroll               management,               there               is               a               very               high               chance               of               you               going               broke.

I               would               recommend               starting               off               with               a               very               conservative               30-50               buy-ins               at               your               best               level               of               play.

So               if               you               play               $1-$2               no               limit,               the               buy-in               is               $200,               so               multiply               that               by               40-60               buy-ins,               and               you'll               end               up               with               $6,000-$10,000.

It               is               also               helpful               to               know               your               hourly               rate.

This               is               measure               in               BB/hr               (big               bets               per               hour)               for               limit,               or               big               blinds               for               pot               limit               or               no               limit.

This               is               going               to               tell               you               how               much               you               make               per               hour               at               a               certain               buy-in               level.

So               in               the               previous               example,               if               you               are               playing               $1-$2               no               limit,               and               you               are               averaging               5               BB/hour,               you               are               making               $10/hr.

Please               note               that               this               statistic               is               only               useful               over               a               large               sample               size               of               about               10,000               hands,               as               you               will               experience               a               lot               of               fluctuation               in               the               short               term.

These               two               elements               are               going               to               keep               you               from               going               broke               as               well               as               being               able               to               gauge               how               much               time               you               will               need               to               reach               your               income               goals.

Take               a               second               and               do               the               math.

Are               you               properly               bankrolled               to               start               your               online               poker               career?


Now               on               to               the               next               piece               of               business.
               The               online               poker               room               you               pick               is               going               to               play               a               big               role               in               your               success.

I               would               recommend               doing               a               little               research               and               finding               out               where               the               softest               games               are,               as               well               as               looking               for               the               tournaments               with               the               biggest               payouts.

When               selecting               an               online               poker               room,               it               is               also               important               to               sign               up               for               the               site               through               a               rake-back               website.What               is               rake-back?

The               online               card               room               takes               a               small               percentage               of               every               pot               and               tournament               entry               fee               for               being               able               to               play               there.

This               is               known               as               rake               and               it               adds               up               very               fast.

Finding               a               good               rake-back               site               will               allow               you               to               join               the               poker               rooms               you               researched,and               get               20%-40%               of               the               rake               taken               during               play,               paid               back               into               your               account               every               month.

This               is               very               important               because               you               are               going               to               be               playing               high               volume               poker,               playing               thousands               of               hands               a               day.

Your               rake-back               will               significantly               boost               your               overall               hourly               rate.
               Now               that               you've               signed               up               for               your               poker               rooms,               you               need               to               make               a               work               schedule               that               will               allow               you               to               take               advantage               of               the               easiest               games               to               beat.

You               will               find               that               the               evening               and               into               the               early               hours               of               the               morning,               will               be               some               of               the               best               times               to               play.

You               will               also               want               to               schedule               the               best               tournaments               to               play               in,               as               well               as               giving               yourself               time               to               complete               the               tournament.

For               example               it               took               me               4               hours               and               43               minutes               to               take               first               place               in               a               tournament               with               490               entrants.

This               can               vary               widely               depending               on               what               time               of               tournament               it               is.

Weekends               are               when               all               of               the               large               guaranteed               tournaments               take               place.

If               you               are               a               tournament               player,               I               would               advise               you               to               take               some               time               off               during               the               week,               because               from               Friday               to               Monday               morning               you               are               going               to               log               in               most               of               your               hours.
               To               make               sure               you               are               making               the               best               use               of               your               time               you               will               need               to               keep               track               of               your               statistics               somehow.

I               recommend               making               an               excel               spread               sheet               that               keeps               track               of               basic               daily               information               that               will               allow               you               to               track               your               overall               progress,               and               make               sure               you               are               on               track               to               meet               your               goals.

There               are               also               programs               like               Pokertracker,               that               keep               very               detailed               statistics               of               every               hand               you               play.

You               are               going               to               need               this               information               when               you               make               your               schedule,               to               figure               out               how               many               hours               you               need               to               play               in               order               to               make               enough               money               to               live               off               of.

Keeping               records               is               also               necessary               when               it               comes               time               for               taxes,               as               you               do               not               want               to               be               an               enemy               of               the               IRS.

Just               remember               to               be               honest               with               yourself,               and               that               the               numbers               don't               lie.

If               you               find               yourself               taking               losses               consistently               you               need               to               look               at               a               different               profession.
               Grinding               out               a               living               on               the               virtual               felt               is               going               to               be               a               very               demanding,               stressful,               and               difficult               task.

Remember               that               you               are               always               going               to               be               a               student               of               the               game,               and               all               that               hard               work               will               pay               off               once               you               win               that               first               World               Series               bracelet.

Until               then,               take               advantage               of               every               edge               you               can               create               for               yourself.

There               are               many               resources               such               as               books,               videos,               online               forums,               and               online               training               sites,               that               will               help               you               improve               your               game               and               increase               your               earnings.
               Show               off               your               success
               What               attracts               so               many               people               to               the               game               of               poker?

Being               able               to               justify               that               you               are               better               than               the               person               sitting               across               from               you,               on               the               basis               that               you               just               won               all               their               money.

If               you               are               beginning               to               win               more               and               more,               and               have               statistical               data               to               back               up               yourself               up,               don't               be               scared               to               let               other               people               know               of               your               success.

I               am               not               implying               you               need               to               be               an               egotistical               maniac.

I               am               just               saying               that               for               all               the               hard               work               you               put               into               improving               your               game,               keeping               all               your               records,               and               becoming               a               money               making               machine,               realize               that               you               are               your               biggest               asset.

Make               a               blog               that               tracks               your               progress,               tweet               about               the               latest               tournament               you               took               down,               or               post               some               hand               advice               on               a               poker               forum.

You               want               to               do               everything               in               your               power               to               get               people               to               know               who               you               are.

Why               would               you               want               to               open               yourself               up               to               getting               critiqued               on               every               hand               you               play?

Because               you               will               open               the               door               to               more               stable               ways               of               making               money               through               the               game               of               poker.

You               may               be               able               to               join               a               poker               training               site               as               an               instructor,               or               start               your               own               training               site.

If               you               are               highly               regarded               as               one               of               the               best               players               by               other               top               players,               you               may               even               be               invited               to               be               a               representative               of               one               of               the               sites               you               play               on.

Once               people               know               who               you               are,               they               are               going               to               want               to               play               with               you,               get               your               advice,               and               present               you               with               opportunities               to               take               your               poker               career               to               the               next               level.
               Poker:               An               Alternative               Investment
               After               you               have               been               playing               on               the               same               sites               for               a               long               time,               you               will               develop               a               list               of               players               that               you               absolutely               hate.

These               are               the               players               that               you               recognize               are               at               your               same               skill               level               or               above,               and               some               of               them               will               actually               become               your               "work               buddies".

Knowing               who               the               other               card               sharks               are               at               the               table               will               not               only               save               you               time               and               money,               but               also               allow               you               to               create               another               business               opportunity.

As               a               separate               business               entity               you               can               setup               an               online               site               for               staking               your               fellow               card               sharks.

What               better               way               to               avoid               playing               against               these               animals,               and               at               the               same               time               taking               a               piece               of               their               profit.

It               may               be               a               more               risky               investment,               but               the               potential               return               on               your               money               could               be               astronomical.
               There               are               many               different               ways               to               make               money               in               the               realm               of               online               poker.

I               urge               you               to               think               outside               the               box               and               look               for               ways               to               create               streams               of               income               that               do               not               rely               solely               on               you               sitting               down               and               playing.

Whether               it               be               staking               other               players,               creating               a               training               site,               writing               your               own               "Poker               Success"               e-book,               or               getting               a               big               endorsement,               finding               a               way               to               turn               your               success               on               the               felt               into               profitable               passive               income               will               be               crucial.

The               reason               this               is               such               an               important               part               of               your               success               is               because               you               are               inevitably               going               to               have               huge               downswings.

That's               right,               you               are               going               to               have               days,               maybe               even               weeks,               when               you               lose!

It               can               be               hard               to               come               out               of               these               downswings               if               you               need               money               to               pay               your               bills,               so               the               passive               income               that               you               have               created               can               take               away               some               of               the               stress               and               allow               you               to               play               your               best               game.
               Now               you               should               have               a               better               understanding               of               what               it               takes               to               be               a               digital               card               shark.

You               are               going               to               need               money,               talent,               time,               energy,               statistics,               patience,               and               a               little               bit               of               luck               to               make               sure               you               get               off               to               a               great               start.

Are               you               ready?

Then               shuffle               up               and               deal.

Image of compare virtual data rooms

compare virtual data rooms
compare virtual data rooms

compare virtual data rooms Image 1

compare virtual data rooms
compare virtual data rooms

compare virtual data rooms Image 2

compare virtual data rooms
compare virtual data rooms

compare virtual data rooms Image 3

compare virtual data rooms
compare virtual data rooms

compare virtual data rooms Image 4

compare virtual data rooms
compare virtual data rooms

compare virtual data rooms Image 5

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